If you ever wondered who makes the plans and decisions regarding the running of Strand Social Club, then the answer is: 

                                                                              ‘The Committee’

The club’s committee consists of volunteer members who meet every 2 weeks to make plans and decisions relating to everything that is required to keep the club sustainable and to hopefully grow the club so that it is here for all members and their families to enjoy for years to come.

In addition, The Committee are all members of a private WhatsApp group so that if anything needs a quick decision or something occurs unexpectedly, they can discuss it and make decisions accordingly.

Some of the main functions that are dealt with by The Committee include:

    • Interviewing/Voting In New Members
    • Arranging Events/Entertainment
    • Sourcing Stock i.e drinks/snacks
    • Club Maintenance And Upkeep
    • Setting Prices
    • Drinks Promotions
    • Club Accounts

…and more.

Members are welcome to raise matters that they would like The Committee to discuss or consider, by sending an email with the subject line ‘FAO Committee’ to

Alternatively, speak directly with one of The Committee’s members listed below.

Nick Barradell-smith

David Craddock

Jackie Day

Emma Welch

Michelle Arlington
Entertainments Coordinator

Richard Harris
Bar/House + Entertainments

Other Committee Members

Jackie Barradell-smith
Lee Garlinge
Joanne Garlinge
Becky Hopkins
John Parfitt
Don Sanders
Ben Welch